
LACMTA TAPs Cubic for mobile app

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) has awarded Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS) a contract with for an integrated mobile app in support of the TAP regional contactless fare system. TAP links 24 transit agencies across the Los Angeles region, and the mobile app “will provide travelers with a range of convenience tools to enhance their daily commute,” CTS said.

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Cuomo wants a subway in Red Hook

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) to study options that would bring a subway to Brooklyn’s Red Hook neighborhood.

TriMet upgrades MAX station

TriMet of Portland, Ore., has completed a $2.1-million renovation of the Washington Park MAX Station, including new art, graffiti-resistant wall coatings, LED lighting and elevator lobby upgrades.


Trump to Schumer: “Drop dead”

“Non-existent”: This is the exact term the United States Department of Transportation used to describe any commitment the federal government has toward funding the ambitious, multi-billion-dollar Gateway Program, which would vastly improve passenger rail access to New York City, the nation’s busiest transportation hub.

Mobile port, APM expand container facility

The Alabama State Port Authority and APM Terminals boards of directors in separate actions have approved a $49.5-million expansion of the container facility at the Port of Mobile.

Ontario Northland: Through timber to tidewater

Some Railway Age readers will be surprised to learn that GO Transit, launched in 1967, was not the first venture of the Province of Ontario into the railway business; that event actually occurred some 60 years earlier. The honor actually belongs to the provincially owned Ontario Northland Railway, which links the city of North Bay, on Lake Nipissing, to Moosonee, on the salt waters of James Bay.

OK freight plan gets federal nod

Calling freight movement “vitally important” to Oklahoma’s and the nation’s economy, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation said it received federal approval for its five-year Freight Transportation Plan, to accommodate expected increases in the 800 million tons of freight valued at $1.3 billion that move through the state via rail, truck and waterway each year. The approved plan details freight trends and traffic forecasts to identify significant freight transportation projects needed in the state that will help develop partnerships and target economic growth across all modes of transportation. The state said about 58% of all freight in Oklahoma is transported by truck and 41% by rail.

CP holiday train celebrates successful tour

Canadian Pacific’s (CP) 19th annual holiday train made another successful tour across North America this year, spreading cheer by raising more than C$1.5 million (US$1.18 million) and 300,000 pounds of food for local food banks.