Plasser American

Preventive to Prescriptive to Predictive

Railway Age, June 2019 Issue, The Evolution in Track Geometry Technology: As railroaders know, establishing and maintaining proper track geometry requires frequent attention to maintain safe and fluid operation. Despite best efforts, derailments will occasionally occur due to geometry exceptions, prompting track engineers to look for more effective methods of correcting issues before they become problems.

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Josef W. Neuhofer, 1938-2016

Josef W. “Joe” Neuhofer, former President of Plasser American Corp., died March 29, 2016 after a brief illness. He was 78.

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Ballast betterment

Suppliers continue their R&D efforts to provide improved ballast maintenance solutions.

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Saving time and money

Productivity gains and cost savings often go hand-in-hand with safer m/w equipment.
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Precision Placement

Today’s ballast distribution technology ensures that aggregate is perfectly placed. Track maintainers are aware of the role well-placed ballast has on track structure. Having too much can be just as detrimental as too little, which is why companies that perform ballast distribution rely on state-of-the-art technology to unload ballast with precision.
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A refined grind

Elbow grease was the main driver of track maintenance a century ago; today, it’s technology. When it comes to the grinding process, everything from close cooperation with railroads to continued study of rail deterioration and grinding stone movement is analyzed in order to push the process toward continued advancement.