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‘Women in Rail’ Event Set for Nov. 2

Written by Railway Age Staff
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The industry conversation continues with Railway Age / RT&S Women in Rail 2023—our first in-person Women in Rail conference covering the freight, passenger and transit rail sectors. 

The Nov. 2 conference, presented live at the Union League Club of Chicago, will not only provide an opportunity to network with a diverse group of women and their allies, but also allow for attendees to participate in discussions on how railroaders can maintain the momentum of inclusion, build strong support networks, and take advantage of ever-broadening career opportunities. 

Speaker Lineup

Session topics will include mentorship, Employee Resource Groups, recruitment and retention, as well as advice on advancing current skillsets to match evolving technologies.  

Speakers will engage in informal “fireside chat” style conversations, offering their candid thoughts on each subject. 

Women in Rail Awards 

Railway Age and Railway Track & Structures have recognized the growth in leadership and engineering roles for women railroaders since 2017 and 2021, respectively, with Railway Age’s Women in Rail and RT&S’ Women in Railroad Engineering awards. In fact, past honorees Cherita Hunter Jones, Group Manager Performance Excellence, Norfolk Southern; Staci Moody-Gilbert, Vice President, BMWED-International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Jacqueline Patterson, Vice President and Co-Founder, Zephyr UAS, Inc.; and CleLeatha Shaw, Manager – Crew Dispatching, Metra will participate in a panel covering those programs, offering industry insights and discussing their career journeys. 

Supporting Organizations

In addition to its speakers, the Railway Age / RT&S Women in Rail 2023 conference is supported by the following sponsors: BNSF (bronze), TrinityRail (bronze)RailWorks (afternoon coffee break), the National Association of Railway Business Women, and the League of Railway Women.

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