ARCI 4Q Freight Cars: Deliveries Up; Orders, Backlog Down (Updated/Corrected)

Written by William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief
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William C. Vantuono photo.

Overall freight railcar deliveries in 2022’s fourth quarter increased by approximately 13% over 3Q22, but orders fell 57%. The backlog fell slightly, by 4%, the Railway Supply Insitute (RSI) American Railway Car Institute Committee (ARCI) reported on Jan. 27.

The full-year comparison shows that overall orders in 2022 increased 60% compared to 2021, but well below 2018’s more-than 77,000 units. Orders took a steep dive in 2019, and plummeted even further in 2020, the peak year for COVID-19, before recovering in 2021.

ARCI statistics are compiled by RSI using data from North American freight railcar builders and is available to subscribers with a full breakdown by car type, including pressure and non-pressure cars, several categories of hopper cars, as well as other car types including boxcars, flats, and gondolas.

For a more in-depth look, RSI is offering a free webinar on Feb. 2, at 2:00pm ET, to “take a deeper dive into the detailed data” with FTR Transportation Intelligence.

Editor’s note: At the 2023 Rail Equipment Finance Conference, a roster of industry experts will address issues of industry growth, car supply and car demand for 2023 and beyond. There will be discussions on individual car types and the opportunities for growth in those car classes. Look for a macro and micro review of the rail economy and of those factors impacting growth. Attendance is expected to top 400 participants this year. Confirmed shipper and railroad attendees receive a 50% discount on admission. Register at

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