Call for Presentations: ‘Big Data’ in Railroad Maintenance Planning 2024

Written by Marybeth Luczak, Executive Editor
(Image Courtesy of UD)

(Image Courtesy of UD)

The University of Delaware (UD) is seeking presentations for its “Big Data” in Railroad Maintenance Planning 2024 conference, to be held Dec. 11-12, 2024, in Newark, Del.

This year’s event “focuses on new and emerging applications of ‘Big Data’ analytics, to include infrastructure and rolling stock maintenance planning and railroad operations,” according to the organizers, UD’s Railroad Engineering and Safety Program, Big Data Center, and College of Engineering. It will expand on previous years’ conferences, introducing new and emerging analysis techniques and showing how they can be applied to the large volume of inspection and operational data collected by railways to improve their planning of critical capital and maintenance programs.

Each 20-minute presentation may cover one of the following areas:

  • Big Data Problems and Issues in Railroad Engineering, Rolling Stock and Operations.
  • Applications of Big Data Solutions to Railroad Engineering, Rolling Stock and Operations Problems.
  • Big Data Theory as Applied to Railroad Engineering, Rolling Stock and Operations Problems.
  • Problems and Solutions: Case Studies in Big Data in Railroad Engineering, Rolling Stock and Operations.

A 200-word description of the presentation topic must be submitted by July 31, 2024, to Dr. Allan M. Zarembski, Professor and Director of the Railroad Engineering and Safety Program, UD at Selections will be announced by Sept. 30. Dr. Zarembski is also soliciting 2024 conference sponsorships.

UD’s Railroad Engineering and Safety Program website provides more details on the annual event.

Further Reading:

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