
Third of a Series: New York’s Plan and Why Officials Want It

The theory behind congestion pricing is that city streets are clogged with vehicles, and something should be done about it. Transit systems everywhere are in trouble, too. They need money to keep


Second of a Series: Congestion Pricing Around the World

The idea of charging motorists and truckers for the space that their vehicles occupy on city streets has been discussed for some time, but it could be implemented in New York City


First of a Series: A New Congestion Remedy, with Help for Transit

A new border dispute is erupting in the United States, and it’s nowhere near the Southern Border with Mexico. The combatants are New York and New Jersey, and the dispute has reached


Passenger Trains That Might Never Leave the Station

The FRA recently came out with an interim report in its Long-Distance Rail Study, which was commissioned by Congress in §22214 of the Infrastructure Innovation and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as

Image Courtesy of Brightline

And the Winner is…Stuart! (Updated)

Brightline made the official announcement on Monday. The site for the railroad’s new “Treasure Coast station” will be Stuart, a town located about 40 miles north of West Palm Beach.


FRA L-D Study: Two Outreach Issues

On Feb. 21, I reported on 15 potential long-distance routes that Amtrak could operate someday, in theory, anyway. These routes resulted from a two-year evaluation and selection process sponsored by the Federal


FRA L-D Study Suggests Restored Routes

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), which is looking toward adding more routes to the nation’s skeletal long-distance passenger train network, revealed the proposed new routes, many of which either ran before Amtrak


Proposal for New Maine Passenger Trains

How do you save a freight rail line when it loses its primary shipper? Many cycling enthusiasts will tell you to rip up the tracks and turn it into a bike trail,

New Rail Transit Line for Eastern Montreal?

There will probably be a new rail transit line coming to the eastern part of Montreal, but it is years off. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) recently reported that the Autorité régionale


Gulf Coast Grill on STB Barbecue (Updated with Full Transcript)

The Surface Transportation Board (STB) held another hearing Feb. 14 about the slow pace of getting two Amtrak Gulf Coast Service passenger trains in each direction running between New Orleans and Mobile.